This website is not directed at the Roman Catholic Church as a church or Catholics as believers. Freedom of religion is a very important right in Canada. This website is focused on the conflict of rights in public Catholic school boards in Ontario. Catholic school boards in Ontario are public school boards, not private school boards, and they are subject to Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Ontario's Human Rights Code. In every other public part of Ontario, we understand that it is against the human rights of 2SLGBTQI+ students to be taught that some students should never marry because of their sexual orientation (which is what is taught in Ontario's public Catholic school boards). We understand that to teach such a belief to students in any public school, including Catholic schools, is harmful to children potentially for a lifetime and spreads homophobia.
All Catholic school boards use the Family Life Education curriculum policy document in Grades 1 to 8 and all Catholic school boards use the Fully Alive textbook to teach the Family Life Education curriculum policy expectations in Grades 1 to 8. The Family Life Education curriculum policy document and the Fully Alive textbook teach what we would recognize as homophobia and transphobia in Ontario public places.
Catholic school boards, as public school boards, should not be exceptions as places where homophobia may be taught and where children can be taught homophobic content that can harm them potentially for a lifetime. That is why this website is called Stop the Catholic Harm. Let's stop the ongoing practice of the formal teaching of homophobia in the Catholic part of Ontario's public education system. We must do and be better for our students, for our future, in Ontario.